Healthy Environment
A healthy planet is the foundation for a healthy society. We are working to keep the communities around us sustainable, viable and healthy. Our suppliers play an integral role in helping us improve environmental health. Please visit to learn more about our environmental commitments and progress.
We invite our suppliers to explore the following environmental topics to better understand how they can meet our requirements and expectations. Suppliers that demonstrate strong environmental ambition best position themselves for continued and expanded business opportunities with UnitedHealth Group.
Climate change has clear public health implications. Research shows a changing climate heightens exposure to extreme heat, poor air quality and extreme weather events. Such environmental conditions increase health risks like respiratory infections, heart disease and mental health disorders. While every person is impacted by the health of our environment, communities of color, low-income populations, children and older adults are among those most likely to be impacted — exacerbating existing health inequities.
Reducing our operational and value chain emissions represents a key component of our ongoing sustainable procurement strategy. Greenhouse gas emissions mitigation progress is assessed as part of our supplier performance and risk management programs and is factored into supplier selection and award criteria consideration.
Waste, Water and Paper
Minimizing our resource utilization and waste production in our operations and supply chain is a fundamental aspect of good environmental stewardship. We are working to reduce our waste footprint by transitioning to a digital-first health system with less paper usage, and by piloting new and innovative approaches to long-term waste reduction with our suppliers. We take a multidimensional approach to minimizing our environmental impact through ongoing management of our various waste streams, including municipal, construction, electronic, hazardous and regulated medical and pharmaceutical waste. Our annual scope 3 assessment includes an enterprise-wide waste inventory, which helps inform our waste management and reduction strategy.
We are working to reduce excess water consumption both in our operations and supply chain by taking steps to help ensure our facilities use water as efficiently as possible, which is particularly important for water-stressed and water-sensitive locations across the globe.
Please view our progress reducing waste, water, and paper here.
Environmental FAQs
- 1. What are scope 1, 2, and 3 greenhouse gas emissions?
- 2. How do I develop a scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions inventory?
- 3. How do I reduce my scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions?
- 4. What benefits can I see by disclosing and reducing my greenhouse gas emissions?
- 5. What incentives are available to help my organization decarbonize?
- 6. How do I respond to the CDP Climate Questionnaire?
- 7. Do I need to complete every question in the CDP questionnaire?
- 8. How do I allocate emissions to UnitedHealth Group?
- 9. What emissions data verification standards are acceptable to UHG in its evaluation criteria?
- 10. What are science-based targets and how do I set them?
- 11. Do my emissions targets need to be verified by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)?
- 12. Who can I reach out to if I have further questions or collaboration opportunities to discuss?