Labor Practices and Human Rights

We are committed to a company culture embracing inclusion, diversity, innovation and growth while upholding the highest ethical standards in how we operate both internally and externally. This commitment extends to respecting the human rights of all those with whom we engage and employ.

We are committed to applying and promoting socially responsible practices that respect and protect the personal dignity, privacy, and rights of all people we employ, do business with, and serve.

We engaged a third party to conduct a Human Rights Impact Assessment in 2022. This work helped us understand the human rights impact associated with our operations, value chain and business relationships. We also engaged stakeholders to prioritize our impact and develop plans for ongoing monitoring. Read more about our approach to human rights and the impact assessment in our Human Rights Policy.

Our Expectations

We expect our Suppliers to respect all internationally recognized human rights in their own operations, supply base, and business relationships in keeping with the spirit of the United Nations Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights (UN Guiding Principles) and the International Labor Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (ILO Declaration).

Please view our Supplier Code of Conduct for our full requirements related to labor practices and human rights.