Boys & Girls Clubs of San Antonio participates in the pilot of Operation: Reach, an initiative using mobile apps and an interactive game to help military kids cope with change.
More than 700,000 military children have had a parent deploy since 2010, and over 60 percent of military youth are school-age. Over the course of the last year, Boys & Girls Clubs of San Antonio has participated in a pilot program developed by Boys & Girls Clubs of America (BGCA) and United Health Foundation to help military families thrive and succeed during and after deployments. As a part of this pilot, BGCA and United Health Foundation have created Operation: Reach, which provides an online platform to engage military kids using mobile apps and an interactive game that focuses on “coping with change.”
Operation: Reach was created by BGCA through a $1.75 million grant from United Health Foundation. During the pilot, local kids and teens have been able to provide feedback about the mobile application and other communication tools, and preview some of its functions before the initiative is officially unveiled.
Learn more about how we’re helping military children around the world in partnership with Boys & Girls Clubs of America.
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